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    ¥ 500

2018幎10月15日発行。 出版瀟ずの契玄が終了した為こちらで販売を開始したした🊄 ここでしか買えない貎重な絵本ずなりたした✚ プラスでメッセヌゞカヌドをお付け臎したす🌷 曎に ご垌望の方には著者サむンお付け臎したす💐 メッセヌゞに「サむン垌望」ず曞いおお申し付け䞋さい🎵 たたに先着順や条件によっおオマケを付ける堎合がありたす🎁 その際、Twitterでお知らせ臎したすので気になる方はフォロヌしおお埅ち䞋さい🍀 🕊Twitter https://twitter.com/Ichihime39 発送は远跡番号のあるレタヌパックラむトです💌 絵本サむズA5暪(箄 21.5×15.5cm) 皆さたからのご賌入を心よりお埅ちしおおりたす🌈 ⭐あらすじ あるずころに、䞀匹のメルヘンナニコヌン“メル”がいたした。でも、メルはずっずひずりがっち。メルはきっずいるであろう仲間を想い、い぀も海を芋぀めおいたした。ある倜、メルは流れ星にお願いをしたした。「仲間に出䌚えたすように」ず。そしおメルの想いが届き、仲間たちず楜しく過ごすこずができたのです。そしお、倢の䞭のお友達ず、ずっず䞀緒に  。 💝お願い 出来たら近くの図曞通・幌皚園・保育園・小孊校・行き぀けの喫茶店・矎容院・病院などに寄莈の協力をお願い臎したす🎁 ヌヌヌヌヌEnglishヌヌヌヌヌ Published October 15, 2018. Since the contract with the publisher has expired, we have started selling here🊄 It became a valuable picture book that can only be bought here✹ I will attach a message card as a plus🌷 If you wish, we will attach the author's signature💐 Please write "I want to sign" in the message🎵 Occasionally, bonuses may be added depending on the first-come-first-served basis and conditions🎁 In that case, we will inform you on Twitter, so if you are interested please follow us🍀 🕊Twitter https://twitter.com/Ichihime39 Shipping is a letter pack light with a tracking number💌 Picture book size: A5 width (approx. 21.5 x 15.5 cm) We sincerely look forward to your purchase🌈 ⭐ Synopsis There was a fairy tale unicorn "Mel" in one place. But Mel has always been alone. Mel was always staring at the sea, thinking of his companions who would surely be there. One night, Mel asked a shooting star. "May I meet my friends." And Mel's feelings arrived, and I was able to have a good time with my friends. And with my friends in my dreams, forever ... ※All the stories in the picture books are in Japanese. 💝 Please If possible, please donate to a nearby library, kindergarten, nursery school, elementary school, favorite coffee shop, beauty salon, hospital, etc🎁

2018幎10月15日発行。 出版瀟ずの契玄が終了した為こちらで販売を開始したした🊄 ここでしか買えない貎重な絵本ずなりたした✚ プラスでメッセヌゞカヌドをお付け臎したす🌷 曎に ご垌望の方には著者サむンお付け臎したす💐 メッセヌゞに「サむン垌望」ず曞いおお申し付け䞋さい🎵 たたに先着順や条件によっおオマケを付ける堎合がありたす🎁 その際、Twitterでお知らせ臎したすので気になる方はフォロヌしおお埅ち䞋さい🍀 🕊Twitter https://twitter.com/Ichihime39 発送は远跡番号のあるレタヌパックラむトです💌 絵本サむズA5暪(箄 21.5×15.5cm) 皆さたからのご賌入を心よりお埅ちしおおりたす🌈 ⭐あらすじ あるずころに、䞀匹のメルヘンナニコヌン“メル”がいたした。でも、メルはずっずひずりがっち。メルはきっずいるであろう仲間を想い、い぀も海を芋぀めおいたした。ある倜、メルは流れ星にお願いをしたした。「仲間に出䌚えたすように」ず。そしおメルの想いが届き、仲間たちず楜しく過ごすこずができたのです。そしお、倢の䞭のお友達ず、ずっず䞀緒に  。 💝お願い 出来たら近くの図曞通・幌皚園・保育園・小孊校・行き぀けの喫茶店・矎容院・病院などに寄莈の協力をお願い臎したす🎁 ヌヌヌヌヌEnglishヌヌヌヌヌ Published October 15, 2018. Since the contract with the publisher has expired, we have started selling here🊄 It became a valuable picture book that can only be bought here✹ I will attach a message card as a plus🌷 If you wish, we will attach the author's signature💐 Please write "I want to sign" in the message🎵 Occasionally, bonuses may be added depending on the first-come-first-served basis and conditions🎁 In that case, we will inform you on Twitter, so if you are interested please follow us🍀 🕊Twitter https://twitter.com/Ichihime39 Shipping is a letter pack light with a tracking number💌 Picture book size: A5 width (approx. 21.5 x 15.5 cm) We sincerely look forward to your purchase🌈 ⭐ Synopsis There was a fairy tale unicorn "Mel" in one place. But Mel has always been alone. Mel was always staring at the sea, thinking of his companions who would surely be there. One night, Mel asked a shooting star. "May I meet my friends." And Mel's feelings arrived, and I was able to have a good time with my friends. And with my friends in my dreams, forever ... ※All the stories in the picture books are in Japanese. 💝 Please If possible, please donate to a nearby library, kindergarten, nursery school, elementary school, favorite coffee shop, beauty salon, hospital, etc🎁